A barge hit a bridge in Galveston, Texas, on Wednesday, spilling oil into surrounding waters and closing the only road to a small island, officials said.
A bridge that leads to Pelican Island, located just north of Galveston, was hit by a barge around 9:30 a.m., said Ronnie Varela, with the Galveston’s Office of Emergency Management. Varela did not have any immediate information on damage to the bridge or if there were any injuries.
Varela said the collision caused an oil spill and that crews were working to clean it up. The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office told KTRK that a large piece of the bridge fell. Pictures broadcast by KTRK showed pieces of concrete on the barge.
(Source: AP NEWS)
(Source: OnSceneALERT)
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Incident Number
Alert Type
Critical Incident Notification
Incident Type
Incident Occurred
May 15 2024
Alert Posted
May 15 2024
Galveston, Texas